Austria, 2017, 95min
director: Fernando Romero-Forsthuber
status: distribution, World-Premiere: DOK Leipzig 2017
world sales: filmdelights
Jowan Safadi, born as Palestinian in the State of Israel, is a famous musician and a true free spirit. With his band Fish Samak he delivers songs ranging from the political and social to the emotional and philosophical and gathered a huge fan-community in the Arabic world. Jowan is unafraid to speak his mind or tackle taboo subjects, and his lyrics, at once penetrating and witty, have also courted controversy on several occasions: Previously investigated by Israeli police for “inciting terrorism”, his last tour to Jordan ended with his arrest and an overnight stay in a Jordanian prison cell. But this is just the beginning: standing for co-resistance instead of co-existence and criticising the stare society he lives in, Jowan struggles for his ideals – at any price.
editor: Wolfgang Auer
cinematography: Jakob Fuhr, Martin Putz, Falko Lachmund, Rabia Salfiti
sound: Feras Shedaheh
idea: Fernando Romero-Forsthuber
concept: Jürgen Karasek, Ari Y. Richter
producers: Jürgen Karasek, Filip Antoni Malinowski
developed at: CoPro Israel, dokfest München Marketplace, East European Forum Prague, Medimed Sitges
DOK Leipzig 2017, DE | Haifa Independent FF 2018, IL | Crossing Europe FF 2018, AT | Ethnocineca FF 2018, AT | CinéDOC-Tbilisi FF 2018, GE | DocsBarcelona FF 2018, ES | DOK.fest Munich 2018, DE | Festival Internacional de Cine Político 2018, AR | Festival Internacional de Cine por los Derechos Humanos 2018, CO | Fünf Seen Filmfestival 2018, DE | NAFA Int. Ethnographic Film Festival 2018, RO | WOMEX 2018, ES | International Festival of Mediterranean Documentary and Reportage 2018, FR | Festival DocsBarcelona Valparaíso 2018, CL | DokuBaku Int. Documentary FF 2018, AZ | Arab Film Festival 2018, DE | Cinemed Festival 2018, FR | DUHOK Int. FF 2018, IQ | Frontdoc FF 2018, IT | Marda Loop Justice FF 2019, CA
Best Documentary (Frontdoc FF 2018, IT)
Released in cinemas in Austria, Germany, Spain.