„Klimakrach“ from 1.1.24 on ORF

We are excited that the first season of our series format „Klimakrach“ will be broadcasted on the new ORF Kids Player from January 1, 2024!


Director Alice Karasek
DoP: Christian Haake, Markus Englisch, Dominik Spritzendorfer
Editing: Andreas Brennecke, Anna Heuss, Alina Lichtblau-Wagner
Cast: Clara Porak, Nikolaus Habjan, Angelo Konzett…
Composer: Viktor Gangl
Setdesign: Laura Weiss

Genre: Climate Journalism for Kids
Topics: Sustainability, Climate protection, Journalism
Duration: 15 Min.
Episodes: 5
Target Group: 8- 12 years, Family-Edutainment

Premiere Pilot: Diagonale 2023
Release 1st season: ORF-Kids, 01.01.2024


Climate journalist Clara and puppet-hero Waldmar run the „Klimakrach“ channel. Here they report on topics relating to climate protection and sustainability. But the two don’t quite see eye to eye. Who is right and who is totally wrong, or are the causes of scientific phenomena a little more complex at the end of the day? Finally, they combine the facts and find a common denominator. Fortunately, they can also count on the support of the interactive children’s community. In addition, the graphic information, the clever database and the fact-oriented communication with experts help to clear up any misunderstandings and cross-thoughts.

funded by Wirtschaftsagentur Wien, a co-production with ORF

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