our feature doc is in half of the festival distribution winning the Polish DYI Filmfest in Warsaw and receiving a Special Jury Prize in Lódź at Festiwal Mediów Człowiek w Zagrożeniu, a Honorable Mention in Poznań at OFF Cinema and a Appreciation Award of Fine Arts in Vienna.
„I just wanted to let you know I loved the film. I found it very moving, and rich in the way it moves through so many layers, themes (gentrification, home, post WWll, ageing, family, storytelling, gardening, pleasure, struggle, political and personal change…). It feels like a privilege to be let into these people’s lives from such an intimate perspective. Aesthetically I liked its spaciousness, rhythm, sound, the use of still images, the quietness of the filmmaker’s „voice“… Thank you! All the best, Vida“ (Canada)
Eksmisja (Polish title), Resettlement (English title), Maria muss packen (German cinema release title)
73/52min, 2012, Austria/Poland, www.soleilfilm.at/resettlement/
coming to cinemas in Austria 22.03.2013
title MARIA MUSS PACKEN www.soleilfilm.at/resettlement/