co-prod. “H I Jew positive” pitching at Kraków FF

We are happy to co-produce the feature documentary „H I Jew positive“ by Israeli filmmaker Ronit Kertsner („Torn“, „Mechanem & Fred“). It´s a long term project over fifteen years telling about the life of the New Polish Jews.

“I’m HI Jew positive!” Jurek, a young Polish student, has just found out that he is a Jew and expresses his feelings about his newly discovered identity. Every day catholic Polish people find out that their parents have concealed their true identities and that they are actually of Jewish descent – the second and third generation of Holocaust survivors. The film starts over 14 years ago, even with that discovery in the lives of three people and pursues their future lives – a difficult search for their identity, in a country where Judaism is still struggling with resistance.”

feature documentary, 80min, Israel/Poland/Austria, 2013/14. in co-production with Malina Film, pitching at Dragon Forum 2013

filip malinowski, krakow ff pitch



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